Changelog for the QRL Tipbot

Tipbot V1.0.7 Changelog

Bug fixes and refinements

Bug Fixes
  • Error check for bots trying to use the tipbot - Fail correctly if a bot is detected attempting to use the bot.
  • Limit channel for the faucet to #bot - Limit the functions of the faucet command to the #bot channel
  • Cleanup Tipbot Messages - Delete tipbot reply messages after a short amount of time.

Tipbot V1.0.6 Changelog

Bug fixes and refinements

Bug Fixes
  • Failed transaction error handling - Fail correctly and set appropriate value in database for failed transaction when checking for pending TX.
  • Tidbit cleanup - Cleanup the various tidbit outputs and added a few more
  • Faucet error output - Faucet error cleanup and time till next drip is allowed. Additional details to DM when faucet errors out due to timeout

Tipbot V1.0.5 Changelog

Bug fixes and refinements

Bug Fixes
  • Delete withdraw address - Delete +withdraw message with user address before response in withdraw function.
  • database withdraw entries - Reformat amount of quanta for database insert for withdraw database.
  • Change Date of first drip - Changed the date of the first drip to 1970.
  • Allow faucet drip after signup - Add date for new user faucet drip to 1970-01-01 and don't give faucet if opt-out = true. Allowing users to pull from the faucet after they have signed up based on actual user flow.
  • Discord Helpers - Adding discord-helpers for functions shared across discord scripts.
  • Add user message after +add - Adding message that user account is being setup and to please wait
  • Time till next drip from the faucet - When attempting to pull a drip before timeout will now report the next time you can return
  • Change withdraw help - Change the help message for withdraw to be consistent.

Tipbot V1.0.4 Changelog

Bug updates to correct issues discovered post roll-out to the main QRL Discord

Bug Fixes
  • Cleanup random output - Fix random output to user, cleaning up the DM to user.
  • Check for pending balance - Add check for pending balance to wallet balance lookup in dbHelpers.
  • Remove non-null for user_name - Modify the database to not require user_name to allow blank when UTF-8 user name is passed
  • Update DB setup - include database changes in the db setup script for new setups.

Tipbot V1.0.3 Changelog

Updates to correct bugs discovered through testing in the contributors discord. Adding new +random command

Bug Fixes
  • Double Payout for un-banned users - Fix double payout for users that have been banned and unbanned.
  • Forever typing - Fix forever typing bot and update to message for tipping tipbot and tips command
  • Cleanup Response - Cleanup faucet responses to user
  • Hard coded Prefix - remove hard coded prefix for config.discord.prefix
  • Info Command - cleanup the help output for the info command, adding random info and the qrl logo
Feature Request
  • random.js command added - Added random command pulling latest data from drand network
  • drand function - function for the drand randomness query pulled from drand documentation
  • added drand dependencies - package.json requirements for drand-client ^0.2.0

Tipbot V1.0.2 Changelog

Initial load of the tipbot implementing changes from alpha/beta testing. Includes functional tipbot for the discord community.

  • Repo creation - Create public repo, assign MIT license and load README
  • Initial code upload - Adding functionality for tipping QRL using the Discord chat app. Initial functional bot loaded, Happy tipping!